Valley News Desk

Extension-schedule for submission of Permission-Cum-
Admission Forms for Higher Secondary Part-I (Class 11th)
for Annual/Regular, 2020

Examination through offline
mode, as last and binding chance.
In order to safeguard the academic interests of the candidates who are yet
to submit the Permission-cum-Admission Forms and Statement of Enrollments
concerning Higher Secondary Part-I (Class 11th) for Annual/Regular,2020

Examination, it is hereby notified for information of all the concerned candidates
who are on-rolls in Higher Secondary Part-I (Class 11th) for the current
Academic Session 2019-20 in the Affiliated Academic Institutions of the
Kashmir Division including District Kargil and are eligible to appear in the
ensuing Annual/Regular,2020 Examinations, that the last date for submission
of the same is hereby extended upto 4th November,2020 (inclusive of
preparation days) with a late fee of Rs.2,400/- (Rupees Two Thousand
Four Hundred only) per candidate, in addition to normal prescribed fee.

Further, it is also notified that the Renewal Registration Return, if not deposited
earlier, shall be accepted with a late fee of Rs.600/- per candidate, in addition
to normal fee upto 4th November,2020.
Issued, in continuation to notifications bearing No. F(JSE/R/PCA.R.RR) KD/
20, dated.20th October,2020.This is the last and binding chance and no
claim, whatsoever, shall be accepted after the said last date.

Rest of the terms and conditions, as envisaged in the main notifications shall
remain unaltered.