Valley News Desk

Upgradation/Allotment of candidates for Admission to
Three Year Polytechnic Diploma (Engineering) Courses-2020

(2nd Round of Counselling).
Ref:- (i) Noti cation No. 35-BOPEE of 2020 dated 09-10-2020
(ii) Noti cation No. 038-BOPEE of 2020 dated 19-10-2020.
Notification No: 041 -BOPEE of 2020 Dated: 29-10-2020.
In pursuance to Noti cation No. 038-BOPEE of 2020 dated 19-10-2020, up gradation /
allotment of candidates of Three Year Polytechnic Diploma Course-2020 was held w.e.f 26-10-
2020 to 29-10-2020.

The counselling of Reserved Category candidates was held on 26-10-2020
after the completion of which, as per rule 9 and 10 of J&K Reservation Act 2004, the category
seats were converted into Open Merit due to non-availability of category candidates and
were accordingly allotted on merit-cum preferences basis to Open merit candidates. In lieu
of the 2nd round of counselling, the list of the candidates so upgraded/allotted as per merit
cum preference, is as shown in Annexure “A” to this noti cation and same shall be available
on BOPEE o cial website by 30th Oct 2020.

The candidates shall have to join the allotted Colleges / Institutions by or before 07-11-
2020 (up to 03:00 P.M) and Head of the Colleges / Institutions shall forward the shortfall,
if any, to the Board on 07-11-2020 up to 4:30 P.M)
The other terms and conditions shall remain the same as mentioned in e-information
Brochure and Noti cations / Notices issued by Board from time to time on the subject.

The selected / upgraded admission Noti cation is provisional and shall be without any
prejudice and subject to nal outcome of writ petition(s), if any, before any Court of Law.