This is notified for the information of all the concerned candidates
bearing the following Roll No’s pertaining to Secondary School (Class
10th), Bi-Annual 2019-20 of Kashmir Division,
who are alleged to
have resorted to use of unfair means/Misconduct etc is afforded an
opportunity to present themselves before the UFM committee for
scrutiny/disposal of their cases, on 2nd of November 2020 (Monday),
at 11:00 A.M in Board Office New Campus, Bemina, Srinagar, along with
their admit cards ( i.e. Roll No slips).
In case, any candidate fails to appear
before the said committee on the scheduled date, his/her case/s shall
be decided on the basis of the available records/evidence. No further
claim, on this account shall be entertained.
5153428 5139507 5202520 5205427 5213472 5215483
5153429 5139518 5202521 5207516 5213480 5218408
5153439 5139519 5202526 5207560 5215401 5218443
5132404 5139552 5202527 5207579 5215413 5218464
5132408 5139566 5202545 5207588 5215416 5218488
5132438 5146479 5202562 5207600 5215418 5218494
5132448 5202406 5202569 5208407 5215425 5219507
5132462 5202439 5202582 5208563 5215426 7104532
5139433 5202442 5204433 5208585 5215429 7108407
5139437 5202455 5204451 5210444 5215435 8103431
5139440 5202464 5204538 5210460 5215436 8119527
5139452 5202465 5204539 5210466 5215443 8127460
5139453 5202509 5205409 5210491 5215459 8127503
5139454 5202515 5205413 5210522 5215462 8127512
5139463 5202516 5205419 5213421 5215465 8127513
5139470 5202518 5205422 5213422 5215472 8127514
5139500 5202519 5205424 5213444 5215482 8127520