Hajj 2021: Intending Hajj pilgrims
asked to upload vital documents
Srinagar, Nov 14: The Hajj Committee Sat-
urday asked the intending Hajj pilgrims for
Hajj 2021 to upload their bank details pass-
port, photograph and address proof.
In a circular issued here, the Hajj Com-
mittee made a special announcement for the
intending Hajj pilgrims for Hajj 2021 regard-
ing the submission of their documents.
The circular read, “It is for the infor-
mation of all the intending Hajj pilgrims
of Hajj 2021 that while submitting their
Hajj application form online,
they should
upload a copy of their cancelled cheque
or first page of the bank passbook clear-
ly depicting the 16 digit bank account
number along with IFSC code besides
other documents like passport, photo-
graph and address proof.”