Cancellation of Document Verification for the post of Culture Assistant (Jr. Scale ), District Cadre Rajouri, Item No 388 (03 of 2016).
It is hereby notified for the information of the candidates who are called for Document Verification Cum Practical Test for the post of Culture Assistant (Jr Scale), District Cadre Rajouri, Item no 388(03 of 2016), that the written test (CBT) for the said post has already been cancelled by the Board vide this office notice no SSB/B-12/2001/11634-38 dated 10-11-2017 and has called for Document Verification Cum Practical Test on the basis of written test on 08th of November 2020.
It is therefore notified for the information of candidates that the Document Verification Cum Practical Test for the post of Culture Assistant (Jr Scale), District Cadre Rajouri, Item no 388(03 of 2016) is hereby postponed till further.
However, other terms and conditions as notified vide this office notice no
SSB/Sel/Secy/2020/3538-52 dated 12-10-2020 shall remain the same.