Valley News Desk

Advertisement Notice No. 05 SKIMS-MC of 2020 Dated: – 27-10-2020

Applications on prescribed format (Annexure-A) are invited from eligible candidates (not in-service) of Kashmir
Division for lling up of 23 posts of Anesthesia Technicians on contract basis for a period of (03) months
(extendable up to 06 months) to meet out the additional manpower required for COVID-19 management at
SKIMS Medical College-Hospital Bemina Srinagar on monthly remuneration of ₹ 12000/-under NHM Scheme
as per following criteria:-

Eligibility criteria Selection Criteria
10+2 with Diploma in Anaesthesia/ Operation Theatre
Technology. However degree holders in Anaesthesia/
Operation Theatre Technology will be preferred (as
per Govt. Order No.252-HME of 2012 dt. 26-03-2020)
i. Written test = 60 points
ii. 10+2 = 10 points
iii. (a) Diploma in Anaesthesia/ OT
Technology = 20 points
(b) Degree in Anaesthesia / OT Technology = 30 points.
(in case, any applicant has undergone Degree as well
as Diploma as referred above, he/she shall qualify
selection criteria as Degree holder)
Maximum age limit : Up to 45 years Instructions for applying for the post:

  1. The desirous candidates shall make a single PDF le of the below mentioned documents and mail it to
    [email protected] with e ect from 27-10-2020 to 04-11-2020 up to 12:00 Midnight. No
    application/mail shall be entertained after cut of date i.e. 4th of November 2020.
    a) Application form duly lled in with photograph a xed at the earmarked space;
    b) Date of Birth Certi cate;
    c) 10+2 quali cation certi cates;
    d) Degree/Diploma from a recognized Institute;
    e) Present Residence Certi cate/Domicile Certi cate;
  2. Application forms not submitted along with the above mentioned documents in single PDF le are
    liable to be rejected and in no case any repeated mails will be entertained.
  3. Candidates should ensure that their personal Email ID and contact number as speci ed in the application
    form while applying for the post shall be kept active during the recruitment process.
  4. Please note that the above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying. No other mode of
    application or incomplete steps would be accepted and such applications would be rejected.
  5. The engagement will be purely on contract basis for a period of 03 months extendable upto 06 months.
  6. The selected candidates shall have to execute an agreement to the e ect that he/she will not leave the
    Department before the completion of three months contract. However, abandonment/termination of
    the arrangement will require one month’s prior notice on either side, failing which the salary shall not
    be paid for one month to the incumbent, which shall always remain in deposit with the Department and
    shall be released on completion of the sanctioned term.
  7. In case of poor performance, services of the candidates are liable to be terminated.