Writer Aqib Hameed
If all people in the world could engage their minds to work relentlessly and persistently under all circumstances, the word poverty would have become a history. Every hour becomes productive simply because no body entertains laziness. Making every second count enables us to overcome all impossible obstacles and the throwbacks in lines. It teaches us resilience in all undertakings that everyone must strive to earn something in spite of the harsh conditions. We should not be lazy. We should work hard with zeal. It will gives us rewards etc. Hard work pays off means that when we work really work hard we will get reap great benefits from one efforts. It can be in the form of appreciation, recognition, awards, money, position, title, promotion etc. It is paid at the end of hard work. For example, just to pass may not be hard work but getting a rank is hard work. It involves sacrifice of time, comfort, mental struggle etc. Hard work is the key to success. We should never say it is impossible, we should never give up. We should try again and again till we will achieve our motives.
Hard work is definitely more important because it is only through hard work that we can achieve goals of our life. Hard work builds character, contributes success and promotes happiness. When we work hard it gives us self confidence and boosts us. We learn to handle situations.it is confidence builder.it allows us to experience gratitude, it leads to self improvement,it gives us motivation,we feel good, we get knowledge,mental power increases, we become able to handle different situations,we become more efficient and effective.we get more satisfied. Our work also brings benefits to our society.It is the funda of life when we work hard then we will succeed and vice versa. Hardwork can sludge into gold. Hard work starts where we stop looking for alternatives. Laziness and sluggishness makes life a bane and only hard work makes it boon. If we don’t work hard we will not achieve success. A poor can also gain wealth and become rich by working hard. Hard work is also helpful in reducing the problems of unemployment, poverty and failures in life. Hard work is the only key to achieving it. It teaches us discipline, dedication and determination.
When people are rewarded without efforts it reduces them confidence, jobs, less personal dignity. The best reward for hard work is personal satisfaction. Result of hard work is an extra ordinarily achievement. Hard work is not easy as we thinks. We should not excess work hard. It is not good for health. If we work hard day and night it will use us Alcholos for relaxation, it is injurious to health, we are not getting enough sleep it will problem our immune system, headaches, our heart works overtime, aching in back and neck, it also effect our brain, it will also hit our relationships , mental fatigue etc. We should not work too hard first priority should be given to health. We should work which should be feasible. We should work hard during studies because parents have expectations on us. We should not waste our precious time. We should frame a time table accordingly we have to read, play etc. We should not waste our time in doing social evils. It is mandatory for every one to work hard. When we sows seeds if we don’t care properly,we will not give water, fertilizers etc we will reap nothing if we properly care,work hard we will get fruits. It is due to hard work our talent comes out. If all the people will work hard our nation will develop, prosper, we get employment opportunities,we will live standard lives etc.we should not be lazy it effects our society. So, hard work is very necessary and we should always work hard as hard work always pays off.
The Writer is persuing BSC and writes on different issue’s .He can be reached at Aqib Hamid