By Mudasir lone
In pursuance to University notification titled “Mode and Method of UG
Examination Guidelines 2020” regarding the conduct of UG examination
through alternative mode; the College has decided to start the process for
different semester end examinations w.e.f. 18th June 2020 as detailed below:
i) 2
ND SEMESTER -REGULAR BATCH 2019 and backlog students of
batch 2016/2017/2018
ii) 4
th SEMESTER -REGULAR BATCH 2018 and backlog students of
batch 2016/2017 and
iii) 5
th SEMESTER -REGULAR BATCH 2017 and backlog students of
batch 2016
These examinations had already become due but could not be conducted on
account of outbreak of Covid-19. Alternative mode of evaluation is adopted
in view of the lockdown and social distancing norms being observed on
account of Covid-19 pandemic. The mode of conduct of examination shall be
assignment based. The students of all the Semesters mentioned above are
advised to visit the College Website for all the
details regarding the assignments and their submission. For any technical
assistance and help; teachers and students can contact I/C Website Prof Assia
Qayoom on 7889539578.
The guidelines issued by the University of Kashmir were discussed threadbare
in a joint sitting of members of College Advisory Committee, Admission
Committee and Heads of various Departments on 11-06-2020. Different
suggestions and options were deliberated upon and finally after being agreed
upon, the following instructions/ directions are issued for adopting alternative
mode of examination.
Mode of Examination
The main features of the mode of conduct of examination are as under.
➢ The assignment should be necessarily based on the prescribed syllabus;
preferably on the topics taught or for which the material has been provided
or recommended.
➢ Uploading of assignments by the concerned departments/ teachers shall
commence from 18-06-2020 either through google-classrooms and/or will
be available on the respective departmental sections of the College website
[e.g. Question paper/ assignment of Zoology can be accessed by visiting college website: → Menu → Department of Zoology → Question Paper]
➢ Teacher concerned should mention the Roll No. series of regular
candidates on the Assignment whom it is meant for. He/she should also
mention his/her email ID or g-class code or WhatsApp No. for receiving
assignments from students.
➢ Eligible backlog candidates can choose any one of the assignments of their
choice and send back on the same address as indicated on the Assignment
uploaded by the concerned teacher.
➢ Last date for submission of assignments by the students through email/
Google classroom/ WhatsApp to their respective teachers is 26-06-2020 up
to 11:59 pm. All assignment submission links will be closed after 12:00 am
on 27-06-2020.
➢ The title page of the assignment must contain the following information
i) Name of the candidate (capital): __
ii) Semester: iii) Category: Fresh/ Backlog
iv) Batch: _ v) Subject: vi) Roll No: vii)Regd. No: _ viii) Cell No.
ix) Email Address:
x) Date of Submission: _
xi) Signature of Candidate: __
➢ The assignment must be hand written.
➢ Students to write Page No, Roll No. & Registration No. on the top right
corner of each page.
➢ Use A4 size ruled paper for writing the assignment (write on one side only).
➢ Assignment should not be more than 10 pages and should be converted into
a single PDF file using camscanner before uploading.
➢ While scanning the assignment pages, students must take care for proper
illumination so as to avoid any difficulty during evaluation stage.
➢ Separate assignment pages will not be evaluated.
➢ Rejection or acceptance of an assignment will be the sole discretion of the
HOD/ Course Coordinator with valid reasons.
➢ Students are advised to preserve hardcopy of their assignment for record.
They should be able to produce it as and when demanded by the college/
➢ Student(s) who fail(s) to submit the assignment within the stipulated time
will be marked as absent/ not-appeared unless there is sound and valid
reason. In such case(s) the student(s) will have to make a representation
which will be decided by the HOD concerned and the Coordinator Exams.
➢ Heads of Departments/ teachers will maintain a proper record of the
assignments received and evaluated. This is also required for billing
➢ The honorarium/ remuneration for setting of assignments and their
evaluation is governed by University of Kashmir Notification No. F(R-
rates-Exam) Acad/KU/2020 dated: 01/01/2020.
➢ The HOD/ Subject Coordinator shall upload the awards through College
IT Cell in consultation with Coordinator Exams who will coordinate with
Kashmir University.
Note: These instructions must be read with “Mode and Method of UG examination,
Guidelines-2020” issued by University of Kashmir